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About Bell Chiropractic

Bell Chiropractic exteriorWhat would you like to do more of each day if you felt your best? Maybe you wish you had more energy to play with your kids. Or perhaps you want to take up CrossFit or run a marathon. Whatever your goals, we want to help you achieve them at our chiropractic care center.

Deciding to Plant Roots in Seward

Dr. Wild, the former practice owner, and Dr. Jordan Bell had been in the same group of doctors called Pinnacle Management for several years. “I started going to Pinnacle Management seminars during my first trimester of chiropractic school. Dr. Wild and I knew who each other were. We just didn’t know each other well.”

At the time, Dr. Bell had planned on opening his practice in Lincoln. He said, however, it wasn’t in the cards as nothing seemed to work out.

“Then, one day, Dr. Wild approached me about his practice and asked me if I would be interested in buying it. I looked into the town and I thought, ‘This is just awesome!'” As Dr. Bell grew up in Western Kansas, in a small village about three hours away, he liked the idea of planting roots here. “The style of Seward is similar to what I’m used to and it just feels like home.”

The Science, Philosophy & Art of Chiropractic

There’s a trifecta when it comes to our practice viewpoint: there’s the science behind it, the philosophy behind it and the art to the practice.

  1. The science is a diagnostic tool. We use various tools to measure alignment.
  2. The philosophy of chiropractic is that the body is a self-healing and self-regulating being. The power that made the body heals the body, chiropractic just facilitates that process
  3. The art of chiropractic is in the adjustment and treatment by the doctor. There are many different techniques used by every doctor, making each practitioner unique, especially in chiropractic with a drugless approach.


Removing Interference

The primary objective of chiropractic is to take pressure off the nerves to allow optimal nerve function again. Not only can the chiropractic adjustment relieve pain, but it allows every system of your body to perform at its peak. The result is you can experience excellent health.

A Patient Success Story

One of Dr. Bell’s specialties is the Webster Technique for pregnant mothers. A patient of his sought his help as her unborn baby was in the breech position. Dr. Bell repeatedly used the technique on her. About two weeks before delivery, her baby turned over and she was able to have a quick birth. The mom was quite relieved as her doctors told her she would have to have a C-section if the baby didn’t turn over.

This story is one of many that we are privileged to witness each day at the practice.

Book an Appointment

Contact our chiropractic office today to schedule an appointment with Dr. Bell!

About Bell Chiropractic | (402) 643-6565