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Pregnancy Chiropractic in Seward

Couple with heart hands on pregnant bellyBoth a mom-to-be and her child can enjoy optimal benefits from our gentle prenatal chiropractic care. The healthier a mom is during her pregnancy, the healthier her baby can be. When a mom has a robust immune system, likewise, her baby will have a stronger immune system at birth.

As chiropractic is safe, non-invasive and drug-free, it can be given throughout every stage of pregnancy.

Helping to Make Pregnancy More Comfortable

Moms-to-be can get relief from the following symptoms:

  • Back pain
  • Constipation
  • Fatigue
  • Foot pain
  • Headaches
  • Heartburn
  • Nausea
  • Rib pain
  • Ligament pain
  • Sciatica

Enjoy a Smoother Labor

Chiropractic also could allow you to have an easier and quicker labor. It also can reduce the chance that you’ll require interventions such as suction, forceps or C-section.

The Webster Technique

This technique was originally designed by Dr. Larry Webster. The Webster Technique is intended to give a baby the freedom to move around inside the mother’s womb. It’s also designed to alleviate a mother’s back pain. The technique mostly focuses on the low back, pelvis, muscles such as the piriformis, and the round ligament.

The Webster Technique is gentle, effective and good for the baby and the mother.


Is chiropractic care safe at every stage of pregnancy?

Yes, it is safe to get adjusted at every stage of pregnancy-right up until you’re ready to give birth.

How do you adjust pregnant women?

Dr. Bell prefers to adjust moms-to-be on their stomach until the position becomes uncomfortable. Then we can adjust them seated or however they want to be adjusted.

Do you offer other therapies to relieve pain during pregnancy?

Yes, we have an intersegmental traction table that can help provide additional pain relief.

I can’t take allergy medicine now that I’m pregnant. Can you provide natural relief?

We have a lot of moms-to-be come in for help with their allergies. They’re looking for drug-free relief. Chiropractic is very effective in alleviating allergy symptoms.

Can you help me with my caffeine-withdrawal headaches?

Yes, many pregnant woman give up coffee while pregnant and get withdrawal headaches as a result. Chiropractic can help with these headaches. We also can provide acupuncture to help curb those caffeine cravings.

Book an Appointment

Contact Bell Chiropractic today to schedule a same-day appointment for pregnancy chiropractic Seward. We’re open late and take insurance.

Pregnancy Chiropractor Seward NE | (402) 643-6565