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New Patients

Receptionist behind deskWhat to Expect

Welcome to Bell Chiropractic! Our friendly team will greet you in our warm and loving practice environment.


The First Day

To save time, we encourage you to complete the necessary paperwork, which you can download from our website.

Our friendly team will greet when you arrive, then you will have a consultation with Dr. Bell. You’ll discuss your condition and how it’s impacting your life. Next, we’ll go to the X-ray room and take digital X-rays if needed. Once reviewed, we’ll determine if we can give you your first chiropractic adjustment.

In our office, we primarily use the Prone Specific Technique. Dr. Bell also may provide some electroacupuncture and intersegmental traction. At the completion of your appointment, you can go to the front desk to check out and schedule your next appointment.

Please allow about 45 minutes for this initial appointment.

When you return, we’ll discuss our findings with you. Dr. Bell will show you-on your X-rays-what the problem is. He’ll provide his recommendations for your customized care plan. Then, Dr. Bell will give you another adjustment and any therapies you may need.

This appointment takes about 20 minutes.

When you come in for routine appointments, we’ll see you promptly to keep each visit efficient. You’ll see Dr. Bell, get the necessary treatment and check out at the front desk.

It’s important to know that it takes time to regain your health, particularly if you’ve had your issue for a long time. Once we’ve gotten you out of pain or corrected the source of your problem, you can decide if you’d like to see us regularly for wellness care. It’s always your choice; you will never feel pressured at our Seward clinic.

Get Started Today

For your convenience, we offer late appointment hours. Schedule your time today! We accept insurance and Medicare.

New Patients | (402) 643-6565